» Category Archives: Free Writing
Well, nothing like being broke to make you sit up and pay attention or learn to use coupons. Broke literally. Now you’re probably wondering where did it all go? To keep the business operational, to pay off debt, pay off vendors because I have clients that don’t like to pay and well, my office manager …
maybe I should just move my whole payperpost thing to my business blog, maybe that would make more sense, although I don’t know that anyone actually reads that one..hmm pondering
hanging out with schnarfelpopper and wafflepants
Schnarfelpopper and wafflepants decided to take a walk, where they were going no one knows. Who they were….we haven’t figured that out yet, but something tells me we will towards the end. As they walk along their boardwalk, they discuss having a PHP page that loads and displays that individuals blog from a MySQL database, …
a fire warrior
like a fire on the horizon she descends upon the midnight sky a lone warrior in her heart alone again to face the world dancing in her own circle admist the chaos of her mind
get specific
I’ve been staring at this phrase for over two weeks now, “get specific” with no inspiration coming and now I understand why I pulled that card, get specific, notice the things around you, notice the people around you, damn it, don’t just let life pass you by. Tonight my oldest cat died of chronic renal …
switch media
switch media, left, right, upside down, right side up, switch media, brainstorming from the observation deck, tonight’s card: switch media or maybe switch medium which makes perfect sense, I started out wanting to paint the floors but switched medium because of an issue with the concrete slab, long story but you can’t paint over tar, …
purry furries
moonbeams of the night sky shine upon the mouth of the whispercave where purry furries dance and surround her with shimmering light being too furry in one’s house has its advantages
ah, its out
i tried to post this last night but it didn’t work, so its a repost…..i have nothing to talk about..so lets try a random free writing data dump for the night because I probably have alot swimming around in my head and don’t even know it. Baby Kitty and Turtle seemed to have misplaced a …
pink milk
so I bought the new green tea frappucino at Starbucks the other day and one of my clients asked me what was I drinking “its the new greeen tea frappucino”. He asked how it tasted and it reminded me of pink milk, so thats what I told him. He had this look on his face, …
data dump 3-16-05
new business cards design – check. consulting agreement for new client – check, I can’t believe I forgot this the other day, I guess I didn’t think she was going to hire my company or maybe I was just hoping she wouldn’t. where does one find a copy of oneself? I wonder should I post …