» Category Archives: Radio Themes Tests
CSS Code with Blogroll
testing my css code with a blogroll and a table list how the hell do you get a blogroll to single space..is it padding? nope, i give up, working on it later, I need to get up
Creativity flows out of boredom
A friend of mine told me to make a great artist, one must be bored. Artists are born out of boredom essentially because they have free time to think, to dream, to create. I was explaining that I have a design business but I just didn’t have a whole lot of time anymore with the professional …
Winter is finally here with a gust
Driving home tonight was fun, the rain was blowing sideways across the freeway and then uphill, interesting site to see water running up hill. The farther north I travel, the heavier it got. I got soaked from head to toe getting out of the car to grab the mail. A long with the cold cold weather …
I figured out how to make die cuts for my new business cards..yeah and its reality inexpensive..there’s a little machine called Sizzix
off to see the wizard,
wave a magic wand and poof, all the chores are done, lets see what do I need to do today.. grumpy girl site design..something funky happened, see if i fixed it pay the bills – done shower/shave check the mail sort the mail tigerpaw questions for client radio is upstreaming again..YEA work on the poetry …
new test for radio discussion…
new test for radio discussion board navigator links preferences left aligning the navigator links..think I figured it out, need to change the align inside the #hometemplate itself, right before the navigator link itself..and the #template?? <td width=”100%” align=”center“><p><%navigatorLinks%></p> change to <td width=”100%” align=”left“><p><%navigatorLinks%></p> nope didn’t work