Adding comments to category pages and item templates..

June 23, 2003 Comments Off on Adding comments to category pages and item templates..

This actually really easy if you know where to insert the comment macro. First place you need to go to once you open radio is PREFS > ITEM TEMPLATE and insert the comment macro link <%commentLink%>

The Item Template will look like this before you insert the comment macro

<table width=”100%” cellpadding=”1″>
    <td valign=”top”>
      <br><div class=”itemTitle”><b><%itemTitle%></b></div><%itemText%><br>
      <font class=”small” size=”-1″ color=”gray”><%when%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%permalink%><font>
    <td valign=”top” align=”right” nowrap>

this is the macro that you need to insert   <%commentLink%>

I usually insert it right after the <%permalink%> macro and insert a couple of spaces using &nbsp;&nbsp;

so what you are actually inserting is &nbsp;&nbsp;<%commentLink%>

Here is what it will look like after you insert the comment link macro:

<table width=”100%” cellpadding=”1″>
    <td valign=”top”>
      <br><div class=”itemTitle”><b><%itemTitle%></b></div><%itemText%><br>
      <font class=”small” size=”-1″ color=”gray”><%when%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%permalink%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%commentLink%><font>
    <td valign=”top” align=”right” nowrap>

Click on Submit and this will a comment link for your stories, most of your category pages, etc..

however if you are using one of Bryan Bell’s themes, I found that I’ve had to go into the Radio Files and make changes inside the #itemTemplate file itself.

To add the <%commentLink%> macro to the #itemTemplate for categories

Open your www folder, find the folder called categories, then open the category folder that you want to add a comment link into. For example:

I opened the www folder, then the category folder and then the dating folder that i have setup as a category and then I found my #itemTemplate for that category folder

Find the #itemTemplate text document and double click on it and it will open with notepad. Here is what it looks like without the comment link macro:

      <font class=”small” size=”-1″ color=”gray”><%when%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%permalink%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%editButton%></font>

Once again you are going to insert  &nbsp;&nbsp;<%commentLink%> after the <permalink%> macro

Here is what it looks like after you have inserted the spaces and the comment link macro: (with the comment link macro)

      <font class=”small” size=”-1″ color=”gray”><%when%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%permalink%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%commentLink%> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%editButton%></font>

Click on FILE then SAVE

Then FILE and EXIT

Last step with the #itemTemplate section, go post something new into that category..and you should have comments available for all posts inside that category.

Let me know if you still need help with emailing me..I usually try to get back to you as soon as possible

Categories : Newbie Tips