Newbie Tip: Category Link Macro – How to Install and Use

December 17, 2003 Comments Off on Newbie Tip: Category Link Macro – How to Install and Use

You can download the macro here: Item Categories Macro (by right clicking on the link if you have windows and saving target as “the default name” on to your hard drive – I usually save it on my desktop easy to find when you go to install it)

How to install this script into your Radio.root:

You will then need to install it into Radio. Bring your Radio application to the front.(right click on your radio icon in your system tray – windows users – an click on open radio) From the ‘File’ menu choose ‘Open…’ and then select the newly downloaded script. A box will open, asking “Name for imported object?” and “workspace.itemCategories” will be displayed in the text box. Click OK to install the script. You will then see the script in a window.

Click Compile, then close the window. (Advanced Users: Or take a look at the code if you want to see what is under the hood, then close the window.) The macro is now ready to use.

Usage – The following code should be used in the #itemTemplate: (copy and paste the following code into your #itemTemplate)

<%workspace.itemCategories (<%itemNum%>, separator:”, “)%>

Here is what my #itemtemplate looked like before I added the category link macro:

<table width=”100%” cellpadding=”1″>
    <td valign=”top”>
      <br><div class=”itemTitle”><b><%itemTitle%></b></div><%itemText%><br>
      <font class=”small” size=”-1″ color=”gray”><%when%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%permalink%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%commentLink%>&nbsp;<%trackbackLink%></font>
    <td valign=”top” align=”right” nowrap>

Here is what it looked like after I added the category link macro

<table width=”100%” cellpadding=”1″>
    <td valign=”top”>
      <br><div class=”itemTitle”><b><%itemTitle%></b></div><%itemText%><br>
      <font class=”small” size=”-1″ color=”gray”><%when%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%permalink%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%commentLink%>&nbsp;<%trackbackLink%>
<br><%workspace.itemCategories (<%itemNum%>, separator:”, “)%></font>
    <td valign=”top” align=”right” nowrap>

I also added a break <br> to the next line for my category macro

Opening your #itemTemplate

1. either right click on your radio icon again and click on open www folder, you will see your #itemTemplate in this folder, double-click on it and it will open on a notepad text format (if you open it this way, once you insert the macro, click on file > save)
2. go to the PREFS > TEMPLATES > ITEM TEMPLATE from the Radio Desktop Website (if you open the #itemtemplate this way, click on submit after you insert the macro)

Additional Notes on the Macro and Separator Options

Parameters: <%itemNum%>: Required. This is how the macro knows what post to get the list of categories for. (just information regarding the macro and how it works – you don’t need to do anything)

Separator: Optional. Defaults to “, “. Characters and/or HTML to be inserted between each item category if there is more than one. Separator is *not* appended after last item category listed. Some examples : “, ”   ” | ”   “&nbsp;&nbsp;”   “<br>” (you can change the separator of the categories you happen to list more than one for the post, it currently defaults to “,” if you want to change the separator:

macro as is: <%workspace.itemCategories (<%itemNum%>, separator:”, “)%>

if you want the separator to be “|” then copy this macro into your #itemtemplate:

<%workspace.itemCategories (<%itemNum%>, separator:”| “)%>

if you want the separator to be just a space between the categories listed then copy this macro into your #itemtemplate:

<%workspace.itemCategories (<%itemNum%>, separator: “&nbsp;&nbsp;”)%>

or if you want the separator to be just a break between the categories listed then copy this macro into your #itemtemplate:

<%workspace.itemCategories (<%itemNum%>, separator: “<br>;”)%>

Categories : Newbie Tips