Gangs of America

June 3, 2003 Comments Off on Gangs of America

I got this news item/link from a friend at work, interesting reading about history about how corporations got to their current power in America.  Gangs of America which in the author’s words is about “This is the first comprehensive “people’s history of the corporation,” from medieval times to the present. If you’ve ever wondered how corporations got their power, here’s the dirty laundry!” Ted Nace(the author) states on the website,  “in seeking to understand the institutional structure of power in America, he investigated the historical roots of the corporation, as well as reflecting on his own experiences as a community organizer and a publishing entrepreneur. Gangs of America is the result of that research and reflection..”

You can download a copy of the book in pdf format or email the author if you’re interested in a copy.

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