What mystical symbol are you?
You are a Triquetra… What mystical symbol are you?brought to you by Quizilla
Sun Sign, Rising Sign and Moon Sign Meanings
If you were to think of your Sun Sign as your soul — your inner personality and potential — and your Moon Sign as your heart — your emotional core — then you could say that your Rising Sign is your physical self or the face you present to the world. See below, this explains …
majestic lace
a lover waits upon the hour searching for the one she loves layers of majestic lace swirling at her feet in shimmering energy of magick hypnotic gaze of her lovers moving around the circle feeling the power of the heavens as she watches the rain come down washing her, enveloping her, cleaning her soul baring …
tears on a river
tears on a river silently flowing through the night hidden from view hidden from all who care pain swept under the earth hidden deep inside the caverns of her life where did it began? why won’t it end? what has thou felt in the light of each new day? the knot slowly forming never ending …
Newbie Tip: Changing Blogroll Format to Horizontal View
Yesterday I posted help (want blogroll to go horizontal) and thanks again to David Phillips/Tweezerman…we got this working..check out the sexymagick category to see my new blogroll horizontally on the page. The reason I wanted to have my blogroll go horizontal is because I’m using bryan bell theme, discreet radio blog in black which has the navigator …
Tweaking Radio's HTML Editors
Today I decided to try David Phillips javascript Tweaking Radio’s HTML editors (both of them!) to change the fonts used by the built-in HTML editor, works great. I’m using Courier New font for this post. If I could figured out the font family for Comic Sans Ms then I’d be good. I’d also like to …
My Fairy Name
~ * Your Magic Fairy’s Name * ~ Your fairy is called Tangle Saturnshimmer She is a trouble maker She lives at the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom find your fairy name…emmadavis.net
Comment Notification via Email
New feature: Comment Notification via Email. We’ve got a new feature for Radio and Manila: Comment notification via email. When someone posts a comment on your Radio or Manila site, an email is sent with information about the person who posted the comment, a link to the post they’re commenting on, and the text of …
Witches Weekly Questions for September…
Witches Weekly Questions for September 02, 2003: Herbal Remedies 1. What is your favorite herb, it’s use, and why? Valerian, tea, great for aches and pains and migranes 2. What was the first herbal concoction that you ever made? Tea for migrane or something for a sunburn..can’t really remember 3. What is your favorite …
read between the lines my love
Read between the lines what do you see? pleasure me with your music show me inside your head moving, tasting streaming open desire so delicious enter my world of magick a place of utter delight making vibrations out into the world kiss me passionately can you see? play with me …